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Showing posts from December, 2009

Adding JQuery to Blogger

  JQuery is the now a day very famous and came in 8 out of 10 webpages we visit. There is nothing dificult yo add this to your own blog. All you have to do is to add one line of code (script) to your blog's template’s header. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> FYI: You don't need to upload any file or anything. Google will host it for your. STEPs to add jQuery to Blogger: Login to your dashboard; Choose your blog; From the top menu select “Layout”; Then select “Edit HTML” sub-menu; Add the above code anywhere between <head></head> tag (or alternatively, just above </head> tag) and you are done. Now, you can add jQuery plugins to your blog. Enjoy coding.... ;)

New Version of Google Search

Hi all I just came to know that google is going to launch new version of its search enginer. To try it 1) Open http:/// 2) If it redirects you to your local version of Google Search then use the 3) Put the code in your browser's address bar javascript:void(document.cookie="PREF=ID=20b6e4c2f44943bb:U=4bf292d46faad806:TM=1249677602:LM=1257919388:S=odm0Ys-53ZueXfZG;path=/;"); 4) Hit Enter 5) Refresh your page. You are with the new version of Google Search. Do let me know what do you think about this interface. Thanks