Cause : It happens when you set Notepad++ to "run as" administrator on Windows 7. Fix: To fix this, you need to manually edit the registry of your system to create a new option in pop-up menu to open files with Notepad++ Step 1 : Delete existing Edit with Notepad++ entry from registry Go into your registry as an administrator (Run -> regedit) and search for notepad++.exe. Find the key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that has an entry with the Edit with Notepad++ (or maybe Edit with &Notepad++ ) and delete the entire key. Right click and you should see that you no longer have that option. Step 2 : Create new entry Open with Notepad++ Go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell Create a new key under shell called OpenWithNotepad and create a subkey under that called command . In the OpenWithNotepad key the default string is what you want the context menu item to be called. I set it to Open with Not...