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Showing posts from May, 2016

DevOps - What and Why?

The very first question arises in the mind is " What is DevOps? " Few will say it combined team of Developers and Operations. Some will say it is a person "DevOps Engineer" who works with multiple teams to get the things done in corrective manner. Further questions comes in mind are: What is the corrective manner of doing things? How it is different from our "current" method of doing things? Do I need an extra set of tools for this? And, most important of them all, why should I use it? Let me tell you what I've learn in my 3 days of DevOps training. What is DevOps? DevOps is not a team, or tool, DevOps is a culture. It is a culture for collaboration, Integration and Communication between different cross functional teams for  Continuous Delivery . DevOps is not an additional team, but it is the existing team members who work together. It breaks the barrier between Infrastructure and Code at early stage. DevOps also encoura...

Notepad++ Error for 64bit - ShellExecute failed (2): Is this command correct?

Cause : It happens when you set Notepad++ to "run as" administrator on Windows 7. Fix:  To fix this, you need to manually edit the registry of your system to create a new option in pop-up menu to open files with Notepad++ Step 1 : Delete existing  Edit with Notepad++  entry from registry Go into your registry as an administrator (Run -> regedit) and search for notepad++.exe. Find the key under  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  that has an entry with the  Edit with Notepad++  (or maybe  Edit with &Notepad++ ) and delete the entire key. Right click and you should see that you no longer have that option. Step 2 : Create new entry Open with Notepad++ Go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell Create a new key under shell called  OpenWithNotepad  and create a subkey under that called  command . In the  OpenWithNotepad  key the default string is what you want the context menu item to be called. I set it to  Open with Not...